Thursday, December 6, 2012

This has already been discussed on Facebook a bit, but...lookee here:  the cable network AMC will be starting a new show in February 2013, called "Freak Show."

You can read about it via the link above.  Here's the deal--I'm sure AMC would defend this by saying, hey, we say flat out that these are unique and special people, we don't mean to demean them, after all they take part in their show of their own free will, we don't force them, and they proudly call themselves "freaks."

Yes, I get that.  But:  look, AMC, think about what you're doing.  You're putting that word out there--"freak."  You're spreading it wider in the culture.  You're popularizing it.  You may very well make it so that more people will think it's just fine to call those with physical differences "freaks."

People with Moebius Syndrome have sometimes very obvious physical differences.  It would not be hard to tempt unfriendly, un-thinking people into calling them "freaks."

But people with Moebius Syndrome aren't "freaks."  And they don't want to be called "freaks."
Think again about what you're doing, AMC.

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