Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Exercise is a good thing, but sometimes trying to get too cute with it can get you into trouble.  For example, some have claimed that office workers who sit on exercise balls, rather than chairs, can burn more calories.  But:
"Exercise balls are becoming a popular alternative to plain old office chairs, a way — some say — to burn more calories and improve posture.  The increase in the calorie burn is real but small. According to a 2008 study, performing clerical work at a desk while sitting on an exercise ball burns about four more calories an hour than the same activity in a chair, or roughly 30 extra calories in a typical workday.  And that figure does not factor in the additional burn that would come from routines like bouncing or leg lifts, which many users say the balls inspire them to do.  But as far as posture is concerned, there is not exactly a compelling body of evidence. Although proponents say the balls force users to sit up straight to stabilize themselves, a 2009 British study found that prolonged sitting on a therapy ball led to just as much slumping and “poor sitting position” as a desk chair."

To me, it's simple.  Exercise is a good thing, but the best way to get it is probably to build in some walking, jumping jacks, sit-ups, or time at your favorite workout place...however you do often as you can.  Exercise balls at work or whatever are probably not an answer...

Meanwhile, Moebius folks, check this out:  today, we've been part of a spoof--though I don't know whether we should be happy about it or not.  Here's the deal--there's a site called  I suspect it's something like "The Onion"--something that looks like a newspaper, but which really contains fake "news" and spoofs meant to be funny.  Here's what's up there today (the headline to it reads: "Miley Cyrus: 'My Doctor Says I have Moebius Syndrome'):
"During a routine annual physical exam, Miley Cyrus found out that she had inherited Moebius Syndrome --  a rare neurological syndrome affecting the facial nerves leaving people unable to move their faces to smile, suck, frown, grimace or blink. "One day I was smiling like crazy; the next I couldn't even grin!"  Since her diagnosis, Miley's legions of fans have been abandoning the young movie star and pop singer
in droves.  "My mailbox was completely empty this morning.  Yesterday I got two letters, but both turned out to be hate mail.  One person even suggested that I wear a burka!"  Lawyers for Miley Cyrus say that they are working to cancel all concerts
and guest appearances for the formerly pretty celebrity

So here's the thing:  On the one hand, I'm glad about this.  Why?  Because I think it's great that Moebius Syndrome is becoming known enough...that there's enough awareness of it out have it included in a spoof.  Kind of amazing, isn't it?  For nearly have my life...perhaps even more than half of it...I myself didn't even know what Moebius Syndrome was.  Now even persons at know of it.

Now, having said all that, before anyone gets mad at me, I can also see the implied and not-so-implied insults in there directed at those with Moebius.  It suggests that Miley Cyrus, if she had Moebius, would be a "formerly pretty" star.  Huh.  Fact is, I know plenty of very good-looking persons who have Moebius; with the great thing being, they're pretty both inside AND out (unlike, perhaps, this writer).

But am I right to see a sliver of good news in a post like this?  Or should I be more angry?  What do you all think? 

1 comment:

  1. Two different groups have made moebius videos to the Miley Cyrus song the climb. I suspect this is where the person came up with the idea for the story. It's not a true story. If it interests people then it will also educate people about moebius and help spread awareness. I have no problems with it.
