Thursday, October 17, 2013


Just in case you have not seen this.  This story comes from the UK:


The parents of a Bucks toddler with a rare incurable condition hope a fundraising event they are holding will help get answers for them and other families.
Eight-month-old Isabella Young has Moebius Syndrome, which means the left side of her face is paralysed, she cannot smile and has to be fed through a tube.
It also means the Wing youngster has poor hearing and struggles to move her eyes from side to side.
Isabella was born with the condition but it took doctors several weeks to diagnose her because so little is known about it.
Now her parents, Sara Hill and Mark Young, are organising a day of activities and events to raise money for the Moebius Research Trust.
Isabella also has a two-year-old sister, Caitlyn, and Miss Hill said dealing with her condition has been hard for the family.
Miss Hill said: “She will never be able to smile or frown, but hopefully she will have a normal life apart from that.
“She needs a team of 11 different specialists that help her.
“She has different doctors for her eyes, ears, feet.
“We have to spend a lot of our time in hospital.
“It has been hard, especially having another young child as well.”
The family are organising the fundraising event for Isabella’s first birthday on February 8.
It will include stalls selling goods, a raffle, an auction, music and refreshments.
The family are hoping businesses from the area will donate prizes so they can raise as much money as possible for the charity.
Miss Hill said: “Hopefully if we raise lots of money they can maybe one day give us and other families some more answers about this condition.”


I hope they have great success!

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