Monday, November 1, 2010

How can you get more done at work?  Some good tips here--for example, try this one:
"People often give up on difficult tasks in order to escape to something easier. "Any project that takes mental effort, or involves critical thinking and creativity, is going to be a little painful sometimes," says Jackson. When you hit a wall, don't point-and-click -- push past it."

Indeed, I often take on the most difficult part of a task FIRST---get it done, get past it, and then the rest of the job will be easier.  Read the whole thing, some good ideas here.

And I know there are plenty of shy guys out there with Moebius Syndrome or facial differences.  For a long time, I was one of them when it came to dating.  When it comes to shyness, I still struggle with it.  But here are some good dating tips for shy men--read the whole thing, but start out with this one:
"...try not to get too discouraged if you have "limited success" with dating. Lots of people have limited success. It doesn't necessarily mean anything. It's all a numbers game, anyway.  All you really need is that one person who's right for you, but sometimes you have to go out with dozens of people who aren't right for you before you find that one. If you're having trouble even getting first dates lined up, show your online dating profile to a trusted female friend or two and ask for advice. They might see something that's slipped your notice: blurry photos that don't show you off in the best light, a cheesy headline, a jaded remark about how hard it is to find a good woman.  Be confident! Stay positive. Be yourself."

Amen.  You can find the right one for you.  A bunch of people with Moebius Syndrome have done exactly that!!  It just takes time and perserverance...

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