Monday, November 8, 2010

Especially when it comes to vitamin E:
"Nearly 13 percent of adult Americans supplement their diets with Vitamin E, a nutrient that's been thought to protect against cardiovascular disease, some cancers and even dementia.
But is taking Vitamin E supplements really such a good idea?  Maybe not, after all.
Research published last night in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) added to the growing body of evidence that Vitamin E supplementation doesn't really confer much in the way of health benefits. The new study teases out results from previous research regarding Vitamin E supplements' effect on cardiovascular health. Until that teasing-out, it had seemed that extra Vitamin E (beyond that that we typically get through our diets) didn't much affect our risk of cardiovascular disease one way or another. But on closer inspection, it turns out that taking Vitamin E, while reducing risk of ischemic stroke by about 10 percent, actually increases risk of the more-dangerous hemorrhagic stroke by 22 percent."

A new Moebius-related blog---welcome!:
"I was born with Moebius syndrome and Polands syndrome. Thanks to the internet and finding other people with Moebius and Polands on facebook, I am finally better understanding both of my disorders. I have always had questions that could never be answered because these disorders are extremely rare. Its a long story that I would like to share with my family and friends especially my new Moebius friends who can clearly relate to my life experiences. So check back often to see if i get myself together and start telling my story. It has been a long rough road but it was a journey well worth taking"

We'll definitely be checking in!

 "Knowing is not enough; we must apply.  Willing is not enough; we
must do." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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