Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Have you ever been stood up?  Lord knows there are those of us with facial differences/Moebius Syndrome who have some kind of experience similar to that.  An article I found today has some good advice, should it happen to you:
"Nobody likes to get stood up! But it does happen. And if you date long enough, it's bound to happen. It's so embarrassing.   You get left at a restaurant, the dude never shows, the man of your dreams just doesn't call. No matter what the situation is, here are the five stages of dealing with a dating no-show. 
1. Acceptance. He's not in the hospital. His mother did not suddenly fall gravely ill. He did not lose his crackberry and has no way of contacting you. He. Stood. You. Up. ....Do not call the local hospitals. Do not call him. Do not call your mother. You have been stood up. Accept it. Then you can move on."

The piece goes on to say:

"It's tempting to want to figure out why this happened. Are you a dog? Is he a dog? Are all people dogs? Is he emotionally stunted? Did you say something wrong?   Who cares? It doesn't matter why it happened, and there's only one lesson to be learned: Standing someone up is a lame move. Be glad he spared you the rest."

Precisely.  And remember, this piece wasn't directed at persons with Moebius.  It was directed at a general audience.  This happens to everybody.  Don't let temporary setbacks get you down.  Read the whole piece, it's interesting...

"It does not pay to scold. I believe you can get people to do anything
(if you can get them to do it at all) by loving them into doing it."-George Albert Smith

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