Thursday, August 12, 2010

This struck me as amusing:
"I am a cereal junkie. I just can’t stop after one bowl.  If I didn’t know any better, I’d mash flakes, loops, clusters and oats into my face until I blacked out. Won’t you lend me some sugar?  There is something about the consistent nature of cereal – the ease and accessibility of it in a crunch. There are no Trix up its sleeve: Bowl. Spoon. Cereal. Milk. Eat. Repeat....I’ve heard the first step to recovery is denial, but I would go so far as to stake claim that cereal is indeed the perfect food - an (apple) jack of many trades. You can eat it for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner, for dessert. It's good for mid-afternoon snacking, late-night noshing and on-the-go munching.  For many, our first encounter into solid food territory is even an “O” of some sort. We gum wide-eyed, curiously confused and satiated by the grainy goodness that our parents just airplane swooped into our mouths."

Both my wife and son like cereal.  I like it too, though I don't always eat it...but then suddenly I'll buy a bowl of Frosted Flakes and go on a Tony-the-Tiger-ish binge.  I get the sense many persons with Moebius like it, too; the right cereal can be easy to eat. 

People today talk a lot about "diversity."  Often they mean racial or ethnic diversity.  But we, those with a facial difference--we're a part of the culture of "diversity", too.  We look different.  We've had unique experiences.  Why don't more people in America see us an examples of diversity?  They should.

"My face is unique but my experiences are wholly human.  My face is a gift because I have been forced to find my inner beauty.  That is a universal human need."--David Roche, THE CHURCH OF 80% SINCERITY.

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