Wednesday, October 1, 2014


You know, a lot of people complain about Facebook.  They complain it's a waste of time, that we should be meeting people in person, getting outside, etc.  But honestly a lot of the time I love FB.  It allows you to keep up with people and friends who live far away; it lets you know what they're doing and what they are thinking, even though you can't physically be near them right then.

And I especially like it when it comes to all my friends with Moebius Syndrome.  Facebook helps all of us keep in touch; it has helped us build a support network for each other that we could not dream of having 20 years ago. 

What Facebook has led me to write about today concerns a topic I write about every so often.  But it is one that is worth coming back to; and that is, just how successful my Moebius friends are, all the time.  Just recently on Facebook I've read about my Moebius friends:  1] starting a new job; 2] deepening and strengthening personal relationships; 3] getting elected to the school student council; 4] starting and succeeding at new schools; 5] continuing to succeed and make new friends and contacts in college; 6] finding new opportunities in government and politics; 7] and there are probably a bunch of other accomplishments that I either do not know about or have forgotten.

But the key is:  people with Moebius Syndrome are doing things.  They are succeeding.  They are overcoming obstacles.  They are trying new avenues.  They are pursuing their dreams.  They inspire.

So if you are someone with Moebius, or with any other physical difference; and you are afraid that you won't succeed, or you fear all the things you worry that you cannot do; just remember all these other folks out there who are involved in life and are making things happen.  And that can and will be you, too!

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