Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Huh?  That's a confusing title for a post.  But it comes from various discussions that me and some of my Moebius friends have been having on social media lately.  The question always comes up:  okay, so you have Moebius Syndrome.  But to whom should you talk about it, and when?  To your employer?  Your teacher?  Your friends?  To a possible significant other?  And it can be hard to talk about it--is it really a good idea?

But in reading what others have had to say about this issue, and in thinking about it myself, the concept I keep coming back to is this:  the question of "wondering."  And what I mean is this:  okay, so you have various relationships with people.  You have friends, maybe you have teachers, employers, acquaintances, etc.  So say you've never discussed Moebius with them.  Well, but...for most of us, that we have Moebius is not a secret.  Or, as others who know us but maybe don't know about Moebius would see it, it's not a secret that there's something "different" about us.  So what I'm getting at is this:  if you have Moebius but you've never talked about it with the others in your life, don't you wonder...if THEY are wondering...about you?  What do they think about you?  What do they think about the fact that you sound a little different and look a little different?  You know they notice it.  You know they probably do in fact wonder about it.  (I mean, if you were in their shoes, you would, too!)

SO!  The benefit of telling others about your Moebius Syndrome, then, is simple:  if you talk about it (and it doesn't have to be a long discussion), then you don't have to, yes, WONDER.  Because you don't have to, yes, "wonder" if your friend or teacher or employer is "wondering"...about you.  Because now they won't have to.  Now they'll _know_.  They'll know what you have, and they'll know that you're a person, just like they just happen to look a little different.

And in the end, isn't that in fact very comforting???? :+)

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