Thursday, March 3, 2011

There's not much happening in the news today, so let me tell a quick, personal, Moebius-related story.

Recently I went to get my driver's license renewed.  I would finally be getting a Texas driver's license.  Yahoo!  (as a Texan might say it).

But of course, as those with Moebius know, passing the vision test at your local DMV bureau can be a trial.  Especially in my case---I can see out of both eyes; but I can only use one eye at a time.  That makes it really weird and difficult when you have to use those little machines they have you look in at DMVs; those are designed for people who can see out of both eyes.  It's just hard to adjust to, and makes seeing a bit more difficult.

I came prepared, though; I'd been to an eye doctor recently, and we'd gotten a special form used in this state, which certified that I had a full field of vision in both eyes and that, with corrective eyeglasses, my vision was fine.  I thought--hoped--that this would perhaps excuse me from taking the vision test.

But when--finally---I got to the front of the line, the lady handling my application understood my situation, but...still...she wanted me to try to take and pass the vision test.  I she sought to do it this way because otherwise, she'd have to go back, work the phone, and verify that the doctor who'd examined me and signed my form was real, and that I actually was his patient.  More work for her.

Arrgghh.  But, still, this person was very patient, and let me take a little longer than usual to get used to the machine, and to read the lines of text (in this case, they were numbers) that she directed me to read.  I got one of the numbers wrong on the first try, but she let me do it again and work to focus my eyes, and...voila!...I passed.  I had explained to her briefly just what Moebius Syndrome was, and I think that helped in encouraging her to work with me and to show patience.

The moral of the story?  Well, I guess it's that if you take a little time to explain yourself and your situation, there definitely are people who will work with you, who can deal with you having Moebius, can get to where you want to go.  Do be aware, too, that many states allow you to get a doctor to examine you and sign a form, and as long as they certify that your vision is OK, you can avoid these vision tests, which..given the kind of technology they have to use...aren't totally fair for us.  Hang in there.  Work with it.  You'll get there.

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