Monday, March 7, 2011

The guy who runs Starbucks' certainly does:
"We've been blessed beyond any of our expectations. None of us could have ever dreamed the company would have gotten to this size and had the impact we have. None of us felt the reach of Starbucks would be this extensive. But once you arrive at this place, your dreams become bigger and your aspirations become bigger."

Don't lose your dreams!  And read the whole thing--there's interesting stuff about Starbucks and coming company innovations in the piece...

This piece points out many ways dieting need not stink--for example:
"Watching your waistline doesn't mean you have to become a recluse who spends every spare moment on the elliptical machine. In fact, an all-or-nothing approach is counterproductive. "Many women make changes they'll never be able to stick with — like eating nothing but raw food or vowing to go for a run at 5 a.m. every day — and set themselves up for failure," says Hensrud. "Total deprivation doesn't work."
He advocates skipping extreme regimens in favor of small changes. When he asked a group of overweight study subjects to make several small lifestyle shifts — such as eating breakfast, having as many veggies as they'd like with each meal, and watching TV for only as long as they'd exercised that day — they dropped an average of eight pounds in two weeks. "When you combine a bunch of little strategies, the cumulative effect can be huge, and you won't feel as if you've given up your entire life to be slim."

Going the extreme route is never good.   And dieting, along with working out, can be really good for those with Moebiuis Syndrome--it can help you build up your muscles, and some of us with Moebius tend to have low muscle mass...

"Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think,
every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day,
something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad
for the mind to be always part of unanimity."

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