Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It can aid your health:
"New research has found that honey can be effective in helping to reverse antibiotic resistance, in addition to clearing infected wounds.
According to a study from the University of Wales Institute Cardiff, manuka honey interferes with the growth of three types of bacteria commonly found in wounds—Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Group A Streptococci and Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

Although as always, use it in moderation...

"What you’re doing wrong: “We spend most of our time in this brain state called the beta brain wave, which is associated with our logical thinking but it’s not a very inspirational state,” says Hansen. Daydreaming puts you into an alpha state where you are much more capable of creativity and inspiration. This is the feel-good state you’re in when you just wake up or fall asleep. It’s the same state a person reaches during meditation. Health fallout: If you never daydream, zone out or chill long enough to enjoy this state, you never fully recharge, become inspired or have creative ideas. The alpha state can not only improve your emotions, but it can also improve your physical health. There are studies in the works that show reaching the alpha state through meditation specifically might lower the risk of both heart attack and cancer.
The fix: How much do you need to daydream? Experts say it’s hard to gauge but try to make time for a little alpha- recharging several times a day. Take 10 minutes to zone out and reflect on nothing in particular, focus on a fantasy like you won the lottery or landed your dream job, or try a mini-meditation."

I think this is especially important for those of us with Moebius or a facial difference.  Let's face it--you're going to run into people who are negative, who don't believe you can do this or that.  So feel free to daydream--especially, to imagine what you truly WANT to do.  And it!

"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without
a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you
cannot be successful or happy." -Norman Vincent Peale

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