Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Americans don't walk and exercise like they need to, says a new study:
"Americans are thousands of steps behind other countries when it comes to daily physical activity, according to new research that used pedometers to measure movement.  The study tracked the steps of 1,136 adults around the United States who wore pedometers for two days in 2003. The results were compared to similar pedometer studies in Switzerland, Australia and Japan. The data collected showed that Americans, on average, took 5,117 steps a day, far short of the averages in western Australia (9,695 steps), Switzerland (9,650 steps) and Japan (7,168 steps). The findings were published in the October issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.  The fitness gap detected by the pedometer studies is equal to about 30 to 40 minutes of walking each day. One mile of walking covers about 2,000 steps, researchers say. The health community typically urges people to take at least 10,000 steps a day to maintain good health, which is equal to about five miles of walking"

That's a lot of walking.  I try to take the stairs when I can...

On another forum, a Moebius mom mentioned her son and that he has had trouble learning how to pronounce his Bs and Ps.  That's always an issue for people like us.  Here is what I told her:

"I think the point to stress with pronunciation of things like Bs and Ps is that, yes, one with Moebius will to a degree have that issue throughout one's life.  I mean, hey, with Moebius you're not going to get full lip closure and so that obviously is going to affect how you pronounce letters like that.  There is no way around it....However, as your Moebius child grows up, he or she will undoubtedly realize the difficulty in pronouncing those letters...and will almost surely, with the help of speech therapists but also on their own, be able to figure out how to make their pronunciation better.  I know this happened with me.  I don't think I even realized I was doing it...and I know that it was something I had to keep working on throughout my life.  But it does happen.  We with Moebius, as we grow up, age, mature--we figure out how our mouth works, what we need to pronounce, how to do it...and we adapt.  Your child will too."

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