Tuesday, February 1, 2011

...by a nice little snow/ice storm today, so again...the blogging is light today.  But...how about this for today---check out this guy.

His name was George Whitefield.  He was a major figure in an important 18th century American event called the Great Awakening.  It reached its height in the 1750s, and touched almost every American colony.  Thousands of people reached new levels of religious intensity, attended revivals and, some say, changed religion and America forever.  And one of the most important catalysts behind the Awakening was this guy George Whitefield, who was originally from Britain but spent a great deal of time in America preaching to huge crowds.  He was an excellent speaker, who could hold the attention of immense open-air throngs with powerful sermons.  This was in an age where there were no microphones, remember.  He was spell-binding, and he led hundreds of thousands of Americans to participate in this new religious revival.

And...check his picture again.  Sure appears that his eyes are crossed, aren't they?
In other words, he had a facial difference.  But he changed history.  So can you.

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