Thursday, February 7, 2013

...about living life with Moebius Syndrome.  What would they be?

1] When you're able, be open about having Moebius.  Explain it (at least a little) to people.  Once you've done so, it's there; it's out in the open.  There's no more elephant in the room. 

2] And soon, many people who know you won't even notice or think about your Moebius anymore.  To them, you're just you.  (And really, those are the people who are pretty cool to be around; they are your friends).

3] Still, the teen years are the toughest time to have Moebius Syndrome.  In those years, you want to fit in and be like absolutely everyone else so badly.  Yet, to others, appearances and looking cool (however that is defined--usually, having Moebius doesn't quite fit it) is most important.

4] But remember--those years pass.  People grow up.  They mature.  And when they do, they'll look at you differently.  In the meantime, hold on to the friends you have, and know that lots of us have gone through whatever you are going through now, and survived (even prospered!)


  1. Not all people mature, most do, but not all.

    1. I mean, there will be people, adults, that will look at you like your a retard, they won't even want to become friends with you. That's a hard thing to say, but it's just the honest truth. So, not all people will look at you as a human being, there are some shallow adults out there.
