Monday, April 2, 2012

Looks like those of us in the Moebius community might want to see it--and it's apparently a movie the whole family can see:
"In a widely publicized decision, the ratings board of the Motion Picture Association of America insisted on an R rating for the movie “Bully,” a documentary about children who are bullied, their tormenters and the adults who let both of them down, because of profanity in the film. An R rating means the children who could most benefit from the film would not be able to see it without their parents.
The film has now been released without a rating after the association denied both an appeal and a nationwide petition drive, leaving the decision about whether children can attend without their parents to individual theaters.
But as A.O. Scott’s review reveals, “Bully” is a film for the whole family to see, and will certainly give parents much to think about and discuss with their children. Mr. Scott writes:
Alex, a 14-year-old in Sioux City, Iowa, whose daily routine includes being teased, humiliated and assaulted (especially on the school bus), cannot bear to tell his parents what is going on. He even sticks up for his tormenters, who he says are “just messing around” when they stab him with pencils and call him vile names.
“If not for them, what friends do I have?” he asks his distraught, confused mother.
It’s a heartbreaking moment. Equally sad — and also infuriating and painfully revealing — is a scene in which an assistant principal at Alex’s middle school tries to settle a conflict between two boys who apparently had been fighting at recess. When she insists that they shake hands, one eagerly obliges, with a smile and an apology. The other sullenly resists, and as she scolds him for his noncooperation (letting his antagonist go), it becomes clear that this boy is the victim, and that the assistant principal’s rushed attempt to be fair is in fact perpetuating a terrible and continuing injustice….
There is a little swearing in the movie, and a lot of upsetting stuff, but while some of it may shock parents, very little of it is likely to surprise their school-age children."
“Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.”--Albert  Schweitzer (1875-1965

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