Wednesday, May 20, 2015


The below was written by my friend Alli Johnson, a college student who also happens to have Moebius    Syndrome.  It is an excellent, perceptive, profound essay that captures both the challenges...and the triumphs...of having Moebius Syndrome.  Read on--and thank you, Alli, for letting me feature this today:



Hello my wonderful readers,
So my dad is a high school teacher in my hometown, who teaches history and drama. He is one of those people that if you have the amazing opportunity to work closely with hime or to be guided by him, he’ll inspire you to achieve your dreams. He has touched so many lives through teaching, directing and his talent of instilling confidence in others. This post  is inspired by my dad because he has done this project with his students for years and has always encouraged me to do it, and so I am finally doing it. So this is my I Believe piece, dad this is for you. Hope you enjoy. :)
I was born with a mask on, as hard I try the mask will not come off and believe me I have tried everything. It hides the part of me that I love so much, the part that I want the whole world to see. If I could just take the mask off everyone could see the outgoing, funny, intelligent, crazy, caring loving person I am. But no I was born with this mask and I will die with this mask. The mask has a name it’s called Moebius Syndrome, my disability, my obstacles, my demons, my voice being smuggled, my nightmare, my hell. But my mask isn’t all bad it’s good too, my courage, my bravery, my love for life, my sense of humor, my perseverance, my stubbornness, my independence, my unconditional love, my wisdom.
Without my mask my life wouldn’t be the wonderful reality I am living today. Because of my mask I have been blessed with amazing loving people who can see the real me, who are so supportive, caring, and loving of me. They are my life support when the mask is suffocating me and I feel like no one can see the real me or hear what I have to offer to the world. They are the ones who make me forget that I am wearing the mask, who make me realize to just live my life to the fullest and be incredibly happy because they are the only one’s that really matter in my life. They are the ones who remind me to love myself and my life because of their constant unconditional love.
I believe that life gives us all masks, but your decision on how it effects you is up to you. You can either wear your mask with pride and say yes this a part of me but I will not let it define me. Or you can let the mask take over your life, only to see the bad things in life, and nobody should live like that. Living with Moebius syndrome is a struggle on a daily basis, I get tired and frustrated that I have to wear this mask everyday. But my life would be completely different without it, and honestly I really like my life thus far. So yes the mask hides the real me but I believe that I overpower my mask and the people who see who I really am, are the people who will bless my life. So wear your masks with pride and let your amazing self shine through.
Miss Understood


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