Monday, January 16, 2012

A good reminder--I know many of you out there work out and exercise regularly.  But as Dr. Sanjay Gupta reminds, too much of a good thing can be bad for you:
"Q: I can’t stop working out! Is it possible to overdo it?
A: Actually, yes. Let your body be the judge. If you suffer from pain, muscle soreness that doesn’t go away in a day, or loss of strength, speed, or endurance - all signs of overtraining - then you probably need a break from the gym to recover.
There’s also a psychological disorder called "exercise bulimia," or compulsive exercise, in which people work out excessively, often for hours at a time. They get so obsessed with sweating off unwanted calories that it negatively impacts other parts of their life, from their career to their relationships.
If that’s you, try talking to a therapist who specializes in eating disorders."

To burn a little excess fat, real quick?  Squeeze in some jumping jacks:
"Complement your cardio (30 minutes of walking a day, remember!) by adding in 3 sets of 100 “jacks” throughout the day.
It only takes 2 minutes to complete each set, and you’ll burn a total of 60 additional calories a day. Every little bit helps! Squeeze in a set -- traditional high-impact JJs, or modified low-impact JJs -- before showering, while your computer is booting up, during a TV commercial break, or while dinner is cooking. Such an easy way to get your heart pumping and rev your metabolism!"

"Most great people have attained their greatest success just
one step beyond their greatest failure." -Napoleon Hill

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