Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I know many of you out there with Moebius sometimes struggle with sleep--for a variety of reasons.  But did you know that if you spend time on the computer for any length of time, especially near bedtime, that could affect how you sleep?  Read on:

It's about the light that these screens emit. It typically has a cool blue undertone, whether you notice it or not. (Think of your next-door neighbor's TV seen through a window at night.) That's fine during the day - screen light was designed to mimic the tones of daylight. But my screen time lasts long after dark. And that's the problem.  Humans evolved to respond to darkness by producing melatonin, the hormone that regulates the sleep cycle. But our light-sensitive pineal gland near the center of the brain responds to blue light by suppressing melatonin, causing us to wake up.  When we see too much blue light in the late evening, it delays or disrupts the melatonin rush. In other words, my iPad can keep me up even after I turn it off.  But just as technology can cause this problem, it offers a solution as well. Enter F.lux, a desktop application that adjusts a computer screen's color throughout the day. During daylight hours, the screen's undertone is the familiar blue. As sundown approaches, it begins transitioning to a warm shade of red-orange. In the morning, it's cool blue again."

Meanwhile, here's more ways for desk-bound folks at work to get a quick workout:

"Combating the negative health effects of a sedentary lifestyle could be as easy as turning paper-pushers into pedal-pushers, a new study finds.  Portable pedal machines designed for under-the-desk use can help employees exercise while they work, according to the research, which field-tested the machines on a small group of office workers in Rhode Island.  In fact, the idea of the machine was so appealing that the researchers had to turn away 90 percent of potential study volunteers because they only had the money to buy 18 pedal machines."

Might be worth a try...

"The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing
we never give enough of is love." -Henry Miller

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