Thursday, August 26, 2010

Again, students show that drinking water can help:
"Could something as simple as a glass of water be the key to the nation's obesity epidemic? Well, probably not. But a new study has found that drinking a couple of glasses of water before meals can help people consume fewer calories."

In another forum, the question came up:  are persons with Moebius Syndrome "disabled"?  Is that the correct way to describe them?

In thinking about it, and in listening to what others had to say, it appears many would initially say "no"--that they certainly don't FEEL disabled.  But of course it's not that simple.  Moebius Syndrome varies greatly in how it affects those who have it.  Some cases are mild.  Others are far more severe.  Some are missing limbs or parts of limbs.  Some have hearing loss.  Others have impaired vision.  Certaiinly in those cases, then, when your physical condition impairs what you can do, of course it's fair to consider oneself disabled, and--further--to fight for and assert your rights as a disabled American.  You deserve equal accommodations and equal access.  The law says so, and those who have fought for those rights and who, despite their disabilities, have achieved great success deserve to be hailed as heroes.

At the same time, I don't feel disabled.  And in looking at myself, I don't believe my Moebius Syndrome truly PREVENTS me from doing much of anything.  Given that, I wouldn't feel right, I wouldn't feel honest, in claiming to be dishonest when I truly don't believe I am.  Others with Moebius Syndrome of course are affected differently.  And that's fine.  But I don't think it would be a good idea to suggest that ALL who have Moebius Syndrome are disabled.  Not because it's wrong or bad to be disabled.  But because it wouldn't be true.  And I want the focus on equal accommodations and equal rights and equal access to be there for those who truly need it and deserve it; and not on those who perhaps don't.

1 comment:

  1. It's kind of funny that this is big news all of a sudden. I've heard this for years. However, the 2-8ounce glass thing is new info. Thank you for posting this Kevin!! You rock!
